Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Do you know this person? Answer the questions and look you result.

1. What are his surnames?

     A. Casas Hernández.
     B. Casas Pérez.
     C. Casas Sierra.

2. How old is he?

     A. 30.
     B. 28.
     C. 26.

3. What is his job?

     A. Actor.
     B. Footballer.
     C. Singer.

4. Where was he born?

     A. La Coruña (Galicia).
     B. Barcelona (Catalonia).
     C. Madrid (Madrid).

5. How many brothers and sisters has he?

     A. He has got one sister and two brothers.
     B. He has got two sisters and three brothers.
     C. He doesn't have any brothers and sisters.

6. How tall is he?

     A. 1, 70.
     B. 1, 80.
     C. 1, 75.

7.When is his birthday?

     A. 14 of February.
     B. 6 of September.
     C. 12 of June.

8. What film, starred by him, was filmed in Barcelona?

     A. Grupo 7.
     B. 3 Metros Sobre el Cielo.
     C. Fuga de Cerebros.

9. What did he want to be when I was a child?

     A. Teacher.
     B. Cook.
     C. Firefighter.

10. How many prices has he won?

     A. 5 prices.
     B. 12 prices.
     C.2 prices.

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