Wednesday, May 21, 2014


1 What do you see at the beginning of the video?
 a) Bedroom
 b) Carmina
 c) Lounge
 d) kitchen

2 How is the protagonist called in real life?
 a) Carmina Barrios
 b) Rosa Melano
 c)  Maria León
 d) Carlos Latre

3 Who directs this film?
 a) Almodovar
 b) Almenabar
 c) Paco León
 d) Carmina

4 Does the main character smoke in a scene from this movie?
 a) Yes, she smoke.
 b) In real life she smoke, but in the film dosen't smoke.
 c) Never in this film.
 d) When she talk with Matias Prats.

5 Does she believe in any particular religion or not?
 a) No, is ateo.
 b) Yes, she believe in Islam.
 c) Yes, she is Christian.
 d) Yes, she believe in Pedro Piqueras.

6 What color is her phone?
 a) pink
 b) raindow
 c) black
 d) red

7 Does Maria Leon make other series apart from this movie?
 a) Yes she participates in "Con el culo al aire"
 b) Yes she participates in "Cuanto milenio" and "Callejeros".
 c) No she hasn't participates in other series.
 d) Yes she participates in "Zapeando" and "Olvido Gara's program"

8 By what other name is also known  Paco León?
 a) Juanpe
 b) Luisma
 c) Topacio Fresh
 d) Chema

9 Does Carmina live in a house or an apartment?
  a) House
  b) Apartament
  c) House and Apartament
  d) Mansion

Anwers: 1-d , 2-a , 3-c , 4-a , 5-c , 6- d, 7- a, 8- , 8- , 9- a.

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