Wednesday, May 28, 2014

A film review by Natalia Justiniano

                                                    "ASU MARE"

My favorite movie genres are comedy one of the movies that I like is "ASU MARE". The film takes place in Lima, Peru, in this film are the best Peruvian actors for my opinion. The film chronicles the adventures of Carlos Alcántara on your way to fame, from his childhood in the viewer Neighborhood Unit, recreating his youth and experiences with his mother nearby. Carlos Alcantara is the main actor, producer and co-writer of the movie, he is one of the best actors of his movie comedy and logically has to be fun in the Peruvian comedy.
Also during the film portions of the same man show Asu Mare! Shown.

-Carlos Alcántara.
-Ana Cecilia Natteri.
-Gisela Ponce de León.
-Emilia Drago.
-Dayiro Castañeda.
-Santiago Suárez.           

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