Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Karate Kyokushinkai

1. How many "rei" when you enter the dojo?
A. Just walk in
B. 1
C. 2.
D. 3

2. Which of following is not a stance in Karate?
A. Fudo Dachi
B. Yonchin Dachi
C. Kokutsu Dachi
D. Musubi Dachi

3. The correct explanation of Zenkutsu Dachi
A. Front leg is bent
B. Back leg is bent
C. Both legs are bent
D. Both legs are straightened

4. Which of the following is not a body weapon in Karate? 
A. Seiken
B. Uraken
C. Yokoken
D. Tettsui

5. Which of the following is not important in Ido Geiko?
A. Not lowering the hikite
B. Looking at the front
C. Deciding the correct stance
D. Knockdown the opponent

6. Which of the following is not a stance in Karate?
A. Inuasahi Dachi
B. Tsuruashi Dachi
C. Nekoashi Dachi
D. Kiba Dachi

7. Which of the following is not a waza in Kihon?
A. Seiken Chudan Tsuki
B. Gedan Barai
C. Shuto Ago Uchi
D. Uchi Uke Gedan Barai

8. Which of the following is not a body weapon in Karate?
A. Shotei
B. Haito
C. Joto
D. Nukite

9. Which of the following is not a body weapon in Karate?
A. Ckuhusoku
B. Okuso
C. is Teisoku
D. Haoku

10.Which of the following is not one Kihon in Keri Waza?
A. Mae Keage
B. Yoko Keage
C. Kakatio Otoshi Geri
D.Mawashi Ger

solutions: 1. C  2.A  3.C 4.D 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.C 10.B

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